New RedVector Industrial Course: Benzene: Safe Handling & Storage

RedVector is happy to announce the launch of a brand new mobile-ready eLearning course!

RedVector Benzene Safe Handling CourseThis new addition to the RedVector industrial library will review the information required to safely handle benzene. Benzene is a flammable organic liquid that is classed as a potential human carcinogen.  Training will cover a range of topics, including the production and use of benzene in manufacturing processes, the applicable regulatory requirements, the physical and chemical properties of benzene, potential exposure mechanisms, symptoms of exposure, and the proper use of personal protective equipment.  The requirements for storage, handling, and transportation of benzene will also be covered in the course.

By the end of this RedVector course led by Jerry Steward, the current Chemical Safety Manager at the Baton Rouge Campus of Louisiana State University, students will be able to describe the dangers of benzene, how exposure to benzene can affect health, who is at risk, and how to reduce exposure to benzene.

RedVector is excited about the launch of this mobile-ready industrial course and has several other new courses coming soon. Be sure to follow our blog and check us out on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-speed on all the latest eLearning news and course launches!

For more information about this or other RedVector courses, contact our client support department today.

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